Company Info

Company Headquarters
1804 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94102
United States of America

Based at our World Headquarters in San Francisco, California, USA, the Web Directory serves as a portal to unite an expanding base of internet users.

The need to locate a growing universe of goods and services around-the-world makes the Web Directorie's simple structure essential. We pride ourselves on providing you with the information you're looking for quickly without being invasive. has been designed specifically to serve the lgbt community, but not all directories on this portal serve this purpose. The overwhelming majority of the directories are designed to serve the world population in-general.

Directories that are specifically tailored towards the lgbt community have titles that end in .lgbt. They tend to cover subject matters that people in this community feel uncomfortable under: areas that require close intimate contact or long-term relationships.

Management recognized early on that the internet was a game changer; that the general public would begin to look for the majority of their information online.

Management also recognized that this information needed to be neatly organized under key terms to make the search experience more gratifying. This conclusion led to the creation of the platform you see online today.